Friday, July 08, 2005

Soprano Inspired

There are two kinds of nuudles, the silly, fun, ha-ha kind and the stupid kind. I have to tell you that today and in fact on a previous occasion too, I had to do a double take when I came across this stupid kind of nuudle. Well, ok stupid can be harsh, but you judge for yourself.

I drive to work this morning tooling down 101 in lane two. I close in on this gold Grand Cherokee in lane three. I notice four little dots on the lift gate and I had to squint to see what they were. From a distant they looked like holes clustered ever so interestingly in a random sort of pattern. Random in that very recognizable way. You've seen it, on targets. So, I'm driving down the road wondering, is it real? Would someone actually drive around with bullet holes in his car? As I pass the truck, I finally could see that they are FAKE, dumb pasted stickers! f'ing FAKE bullet holes! The driver might as well walk around with one of those U shape arrows over his head pretending he just got shot with an arrow through his nuudle skull! How stupid it that? Argh! I don't get it. What's so amusing about putting fake bullet holes in your car. Someone must love Soprano too seriously.


Blogger duff said...

the guy who used to live across from me in my apartment complex had a really nice truck- well, until the day he managed to rip off the driver's side door while backing out of his parking space. (i'm still trying to figure out how he managed to pull that stunt off.) just when i'd gotten used to seeing his now two-toned truck, several little bullet holes appeared on his tailgate. now, i'm not in the best part of town, but i thought it was a decent enough neighborhood.

then i got a little closer to the "holes" and realized they were just decals. (i guess this sort of thing seems cool to some people. i think it's ridiculous.)


1:13 PM  

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